Fernet-Branca’s campaign LIFE-IS-BITTER achieves best results on AdDefend’s adblock reach on Spiegel.de

BACKGROUND OF THE CAMPAIGN: In November 2016, Fernet-Branca started the national online campaign LIFE-IS-BITTER in Germany, aiming at a target group of 25-35 years old young adults. The Italian liquor puts its focus on establishing itself as a fix part of the young adult’s party society. The campaign’s charm is caused by the ironic language that addresses the consumer directly in an individual manner. Example: “If you were living in Berlin, your flat would be twice as large – Life is bitter” (Fernet-Branca).
DESCRIPTION ONLINE CAMPAIGN: The online customer addressing was implemented by Pilot. For the campaign, they picked out central controversial online topics like adblocking.
TARGET ADBLOCKER: The main statement “You have an adblocker – we have an adblocker blocker – Life is bitter” directly targets adblock users – that is how the cooperation with AdDefend started.
CAMPAIGN GOALS: The campaign’s goal was to achieve the best possible visibility paired with ideal targeting.

Result 1: The unique and usually unreachable target group of adblock users could be reached with the help of AdDefend. By using the AdDefend platform, *17.6 Mio. former blocked ad impressions could be displayed online. Without the AdDefend solution applied on Fernet-Branca’s “Life is bitter”-campaign none of these impressions could have been monetized. It would have been impossible to reach the users behind the impressions online.
Result 2: Adblock users prove to be the best performing target group on premium segment (homepage SPIEGEL.de). The AdDefend reach on SPIEGEL.de’s homepage turns out to attract the best performing target group of adblock users regarding both, the CTR and the user’s dwell time on the landing page, especially compared to the performance of the overall reach of the campaign.

About SPIEGEL MEDIA: SPIEGEL MEDIA is a category-independent publisher of high-quality brands which are among the market leaders in their segments. Advertisers are able to reach outstanding target groups and achieve considerable benefits by using the quality media of the SPIEGEL ONLINE portfolio. In cooperation with agencies and clients, SPIEGEL’s aim is to develop communication concepts that contribute to the use of innovative technical marketing solutions and sustainably further the campaign goals.

About Pilot: Pilot creates advertisement for the digital age. Market and advertising research as well as media, creation and technology form the inner dynamics of Pilot. The diverse offers of the independent agency group which is managed by the owner include media counselling online/offline, creation, web-TV, mobile and social media marketing, programmatic advertising, performance marketing, research, media and industrial cooperations as well as content and technology for digital screens.
About AdDefend: founded in 2015, AdDefend is the world’s leading solution for adblock advertising today. With the help of AdDefend’s anti adblock platform publishers achieve the upmost potential of their net reach at full predictability. Thanks to the reactivation of Ø 21% of former lost inventory, their revenue can be increased significantly. Advertisers who work with AdDefend are able to reach a target group that is regularly not accessible online. In addition to the increase of the net reach, advertisers benefit from a not overly frequented and verifiable equally reacting target group as the audience on the regular reach. The analyse dashboard of our anti adblock platform offers publishers personalized central access for reviewing reportings and managing their own campaigns. 50% of the Top 20 AGOF sites and more than 150 premium publishers already rely on AdDefend.