This page allows you to review and change data collection settings (Opt-Out/Opt-In) for AdDefend services.
Your AdDefend data collection status:
You are either not known to our system or your browser is blocking our domain http://def-platform.com. The access to review and change your settings is denied. Please make sure that you are using our services and unblock the domain if necessary. For assistance on how to unblock the domain, please contact your adblocker, firewall or anti virus vendor or system administrator.
We are currently collecting anonymous data about your browsing behavior. Click “Opt-Out” to stop us from doing so. We will also delete all data that we already collected about you (). You can opt-in again on this page at any time.
You opted for not allowing us to collect data about your browsing behavior on this browser/device, so we will not keep any record in our system. This opt-out is only valid for the browser and device you used to open this page, any other browser/device needs to be unsubscribed separately. Also, this opt-out will no longer work if you delete your cookies.
Click opt-in below to allow us to collect data about your browsing behavior.